The Houses

The group As casas began to take shape 25 years ago, when its founders moved to the South of Bahia and started to host friends and family coming from all around in their private paradise.

With our toes in the sand, we brought together good food, comfort and connection to nature. Guided by the orixás, we made our way forward… the houses came up end evolved. Inspired by the life style of a fishermen’s village and by the imposing nature of Bahia, our go is to convey comfort and hospitality.

Our group is in constant motion: we are starting to move into new territories and to spread the concept of Bahia’s hospitality across other places in Brazil. Already operating in Trancoso and Serra Grande, Bahia, and Alto Paraíso, in the state of Goiás, we know this is just the beginning! We’ll keep broadening our horizons and creating strong bonds to sow this magic feeling in other lands.

What we offer is a life style experience. When staying in one of the houses, besides counting on hotel and gastronomic services, our guests will enjoy the essence of this way of life — which combines simplicity, comfort and connection to nature. Our fuel is the desire to provide experiences that stay seared into our client’s and friend’s memories — experiences that can foster new perspectives and enrich our ways of coexistence and inhabiting the world.

What we offer is what we live!!! And it’s real!!!
